Sci Birthday Sci-Birthday TopNew1
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Sci-Birthday Celebration
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Sci-Birthday Celebration
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Sci-Birthday Celebration

Sci-Birthday celebration
Celebrate your kids birthday at Nehru Science Centre in an innovative way!
Participate in the shows and scientific activities and have full-on edutainment.
The contents can be customized as per the age group, if possible.
The package rates are:
up to 30 people (children & adults included) – Rs. 20000/- (Air-conditioned Activity Room)
up to 50 people (children & adults included) – Rs 30,000/- (Air-conditioned Activity Room)
up to 100 people (children & adults included) – Rs 40,000/-
For further details contact Education Officer on 022-24900518, 022-24920482 Ext. 217, 219 from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm.